Back to the 20D




Okay, so I’ve given up on the aquapac. No matter what I do it’s just a giant PITA for crappy image quality. I’ve been taking the ol’ 20D out with me with the crap kit lens just to see if it’s feasible. So far, so good. It’s just inconvenient enough that I don’t pull the camera out very often (double dry bagged) and now I’m remembering that it had a bit of the back-focusing issue. I think I feel fairly comfortable taking the 50D out with a real lens, but it takes up a lot more room in the cockpit than I’m happy with. So, the jury is still out as to which camera is going on the race with me.

Awwwwe, dolphins!

Awwwwe, dolphins!

Dolphin love

Dolphin love

They pull a helluva wake!

They pull a helluva wake!



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